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@wyliesau is that a cartridge filter? Above ground pool? When you say it doesn't work, do you mean the pump won't prime to drive suction?

@MischievousTomato ok, why can't these perfect asses not be attached to horns or antlers or weird cat ears? What happened to girls?

@MischievousTomato your cat is just not that into you. 🤣🤣🤣

adam boosted
adam boosted

@shibao I'm strongly considering drinking less than a pint of bourbon each day...nah!

My wife has never attempted to open a jar of pickles in her life. WHY WOULD SHE?! Her father handed the sacred honor of pickle jar opening to me. 🥳

@Junes you're definitely going to the hot place. 🤣🤣

@CSB the correct way to express this distinction is "dots, not feathers."

@Jdogg247 dental hygienist with underwear dangling from her pocket hits monitor with femur bone until it displays pleasing image.

@coolboymew I would consider this a possible red flag.

@kaia I think it's a philosophical issue. While the tide is slowly turning, Linux users tend to be producers, whereas tablet users tend to be consumers, IMHO.

@Johncdvorak he's clearly a member of the Columbia Shitty Frame and Memorabolia Case Club...

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