hm 🤔

just downloaded Mein Kampf 🧐

If a book is forbidden... it makes one wonder why... if it's all a madman's ramblings - a crazy ideology, then no one should be worried right?

I'm not really a reader - 470 pages seems a lot lol - and im not a nazi - still I disagree to hide ideas and books...

its more then 70 years after his death, so it isnt copyright infringement...

if people want to ridicule the guy - fine - then dont cry if people start wondering if it indeed all is, like how all these jewish massmedia spindoctors have broadcasted it into the world right?

Freedom of press, political freedom, philosophical freedom - charles manson wrote books right? lol

just out of principle - let people choose what they want to read - i dont know shit about ww2 compared to others that make it their hobby or whatever...

it just seems stupid to hide or forbid literature / books / ideas - and then they want to call it a free world - liberté! and hypocritically have big words against china and russia...

Fuck all that shit - lol - days of this western high horse are over! we can think & judge for ourselves...

information should be free!

So eventho I am not gonna read it, atleast others can - and maybe I'll give it a go... but yea - lol there are not much books that i started and finished reading in my life 🤣 - to each their own hobbies right :p

@DaveyDelimbo bad ideas can only be defeated by better ideas. banning them just makes us dumb and lazy.

@adam well I think that banning is VERY dangerous... it's a form of denial - an illness that isn't adressed with a proper cure or solution...

When willingly & knowingly - consciously looking away... it basically becomes an unattended child that has to grow up in the wild & in the dark - and will feel neglected... The sadness will turn into anger, and the need for attentiom will become stronger and louder - since it doesn't feel noticed or heared...

It will grow and spread like a fungus, or unadressed cancer...

But it seems highly unlikely that those that chose to choose this method were unaware of that...

I think these underbelly sentiments - the fungus in the dark basements are just used as tools as well... to unleash the hellhounds every once in a while, to poke a bit, light their flames, let their barks be heared - to just use in their propaganda speech when needed: See How much Hatred still exists?

So even that is being orchestrated, and used as just another instrument... the lower belly growls lol...

So I think everyone should be aware, so they won't just be used and abused as another tool in the toolbox... Play your own part, your own melody and have your own bassline lol...

I don't care who believes what, and what ideologies and logic works for them - I think everyone has good reasons and arguments to what works for them...

But I have very good reasons to be against a world government, to be against globalism and therefor against bigger multilateral agendas that touch upon all nations right now...

In that sense, I support cultural and national, ideological, spiritual and definately philosophical diversity... And with that cultural identity and individuality...

The right to think, the right to organize, the right to express, the right to learn & teach, educate & write... the right to reach out, but most of all the right to disagree & decline...

The right to say: I understand and respect your ideology, but you are not welcome here - and at the same time, the right that everyone should have, the right to exist - so there always SHOULD be a place for everyone and every idea as well... Even if we don't agree or don't approve...

Hiding things from the visible eye, doesn't make it go away... It's there lol - adress it, talk openly about it...

Fungus doesn't do well in the light lol... And usually when just aproaching something in the dark, shining and shining a light on it - and seeing for what it truly is... all of the sudden it isn't that scary anymore...

It didn't hide from the light, it was put away and left alone in the dark... nothing minds getting genuine attention...

Not everything isas scary as it seems, just add light lol... attention is that light that flies out, and creates those pathways... The inner flashlight we have, is much faster and accurate then "the speed of light" lol - it goes right thru space and time haha - distance in space or time do not exist to our mind...

But yes, never be afraid to learn, never be afraid to listen, never be hesitant to give attention - many things we label as bad, just because we don't understand - because we didnt touch it, with our inner torch...

When someone feels love and passion towards what they do or believe - there is truth in it... never turn away from true things, just listen, feel, and let it resonate...

The misguided parts, oh well lol they won't stick to you haha... but where there is love and passion sparkling in someone lol... they are connected to a source of truth - even if it got wrapped in an ugly package lol, maybe by some odd sort of sick cultleader 🤣🤘🔥 - don't eat the baby lol... but atleast hear his logic lol 😆
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