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@Lady_Star_Gem We don't talk honestly about mental illness. We don't commit people. We hand out powerful drugs like candy, then cut people off suddenly, forcing many to take up street drugs. All the while, allowing and in some cases (Portland) actively encouraging, encampments near residential areas. You're welcome, taxpayers.

@chris I really wanted to love it, but then I smelled sourdough bread, and it was over.

@vriska I found Violent Night to be an insightful commentary on the Western relationship with our pagan roots...

@mikey8758 the flying spaghetti monster was really watching out for him...

@TikToc the gop house impeached Obama about 50 times when it didn't matter... Big and brave.

@NurseRatched pandering to a slightly different set of special interests will make all the difference. well done, House.

@harrym OTOH, since you're willing to learn a new OS, it might be worth checking out and other open source alternatives... While they might not be where you want them right now, your feedback to the developers could help improve them.

@mdacre doesn't the hot gas eject backwards at a 45ish degree angle?! Youch!

@chris only when combined with the phrase, "what had happened was"...

@Jdogg247 I just hate that feeling like I'm a piece of meat...

@Djeep I watched my grandson try to "do physical education" WHILE MASKED via his Chromebook. Absolutely ridiculous.

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