@Salyer 🥹
@Salyer that blue nail greatly increases your chances of gargling viscous fluids...
@shibao I assume that is a euphemism...
@GreenZeta that girl needs cheeseburgers.
@meanjoe42 Jordan. He's the best 'splainer in Congress.
@jlight hey, you! gimme dollah!
@RoboftheVolcano maybe they identify as Fremen, and it's a blessing...
@Jdogg247 shitty cinnamon sticks were $10!!
@chris sure doesn't seem like we're taking it seriously. 🤣
@a7 please tell me this is at a dollar store in Lagos.
@chris not grousing, man, just trying to help. 🥳
@chris your editor must be doing it, Chris. this one did both the opening and closing single quote as ‘ and ’ respectively, but only the first instance in the headline...
@Jdogg247 I hear people who've been lobotomized give great hugs...🤣
@obihahn I lost interest in Lost. Sopranos and Deadwood are excellent. The Wire is good
@wyliesau @RoboftheVolcano holy hell
@AdamAtSea pretty sure they would try to make it a hate crime
@JesseStone why do all of these local police units look like seal team 6?!
guilty only of caring too darn much...