@nytimes isn't there a genocide going on somewhere that you could be downplaying, @walterduranty@burninginhell? Did you ever return that Pulitzer?
@memeinmymastodon play stupid games...
@chris Wolverines!!!
@CSB yes, CONstantly.
@Nazareno cue:CHEMTRAILS
@maxburn it is very good. Both PBD and Vivek are studs, too.
@maxburn holy shit, that's hilarious
@Nazareno Milei gave an outstanding speech
@Nazareno diversity is our strength
@CSB nas breakup is good for flexing the fediverse, imo...
@Wyliesau champion
@Jdogg247 oh, the horror
@neanderthalsnavel @CSB follow @CSB
@CSB I consider NATO part of "the West"...
@CSB this was a regional issue before the West made it an international issue.
@Djeep fuck. no.
@Nazareno makes a hell of a lot more geopolitical sense than where it is now.
guilty only of caring too darn much...