@Nazareno it's as if he just emerged from a tunnel...
@chris imagine a journalist daring to actually do journalism...
@DrFell she's awesome. I don't care.
@theinfominister no. way.
@itnewsbot look at the price trend for Amazon music unlimited. Ridiculous.
@ThatCrazyDude @Wyliesau I would not have offered otherwise. 🥳
@ThatCrazyDude @Wyliesau Lebowskistan? I'm willing to serve as Secretary of Bartending if that fits the political structure...
@ThatCrazyDude @Wyliesau @Sophistifunk yes, and razor wire is unsightly. hidden motion sensing laser turrets, ftw. no shell casings to clean up.
@Wyliesau worthlessness wrapped in obsolescence...
@Nazareno send Valentines in the form of Daisy Cutters
@Nazareno be sure to pull military before civilians and leave hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons, k?
@Zennagain this is unreasonably funny
@FranciscoScaramanga you seem like fun
@texafornia oh, I saw the trailer. any actual man with basic training would disarm this poof and knock those glasses off his smug face.
guilty only of caring too darn much...