@Wyliesau that's fucking hilarious
@chris prestidigitous...
@chris I also liked it.
@Foneguy89 they just like the stonk!
@shibao game of the year!
@CSB keep those pesky water bottles just out of reach...
@Nazareno Soros agitprop. No Sarah Mclachlan music bed??
@chris there shouldn't be public schools as they currently exist. Should all be charter.
@chris I learned cursive in school, while memorizing times tables, neither of which are en vogue these days. Parents should help with homework and discipline, and curate content as needed...
@Wyliesau 3rd awesome feature is that it runs on abundant, reliable gasoline...
Wow, remember the good old days, when we were pissed about the devs nerfing the railgun? #RIPHelldivers2
@Wyliesau he would slay in Gaza
@Nazareno didn't she throw loads of black dudes in prison?
@CSB the purpose of any state's government is to protect that state's citizens, and anyone who says differently is selling something.
@Wyliesau Saw a Tesla with custom plate "no co2". Yeah, OK, buddy.
@Bianca execution is one thing China does correctly.
guilty only of caring too darn much...