@Humpleupagus @Billy_Hughes @Wyliesau yeah, wtf?
@Djeep I love the bearded butchers
@sirplus miss that dude
@chris one giant leap toward our carefully crafted Idiocracy...
@Nazareno are there other kinds of weapons?
@chris aw, he's wearing a polo shirt! glad to see he dressed up. #garanimals
@Wyliesau I don't believe males can be bisexual. They're just gay. Don't care.
@Wyliesau better than I've ever been able to train any dog.
I‘m blown away by this good boy.
The self control is almost ripping him apart and he still resists.
Absolutely amazing 😍
@augustus yeah, she's playing 1D chess...
@chris the rich should get credit for the taxes their employees pay.
@chris you get what you subsidize.
Wow this will be an interesting one 😳
guilty only of caring too darn much...