@chris if only we had elected Obama thrice...
@Djeep honey mustard
@Wyliesau linguini bakedziti is a fall guy
@HiroProtagonist art thou bored?!
@chris Putin is a horrible asshole, AND we started this. Both things can be true.
@zephyrotv Wood Mizer
White pill Clip of the day
Real Italian babies are born like that, it’s the cutest and most adorable thing ever.😍
@Wyliesau @ThatCrazyDude oh my lord. it's really going to be OK. 😅
@chris yeah, women will totally freak out! (LOL)
@chris beats donuts
@chris I see the truth of it. Just a matter of doing it.
@bufordk great album
@davidlwindt can't very well have a victim without a villain...
@Djeep home alone
@chris I'm so glad we've stopped listening to celebrity retards.
guilty only of caring too darn much...