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adam boosted
adam boosted
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adam boosted

This woman’s “liberty” speech of truth bombs is NA show worthy.

The People are standing along side, and coming together. You can sense a shift.



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adam boosted

Boost this toot if you had Napster in the 90s

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Some nutless POS stole the batteries out of my boat... And several of my neighbors' boats as well. Shotgun cleaning party!

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adam boosted

Is @noagendaquotes broken? It seems to be approaching Brandon levels of repetitiveness...

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CENSORSHIPTikTok Threatens to Censor ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Song For “Harassment and Bullying

ATTENTION news reporters!
Tik Tok has threatened to remove my #letsgobrandon viral video that is approaching the number one spot on iTunes top us hip hop records! Tik Tok is claiming that I'm bullying? But how???

adam boosted

Just in case you're in a bubble, here's this thing, which appears real, and jives with some of my personal experiences with extremely disassociated ppl.

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adam boosted

A common bit of internal dialogue: “ hmmm nice fat tits”

adam boosted

are other instances getting a lot of spammy account requests?

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if you are easily triggered, this is not for you! if you haven't been invited, but want an account, go to to give a donation with your email address, and i will create your account.