@chris what does "far right" mean in France? Tax rate not to exceed 60%, and we really prefer that you not kill babies except for this list of a dozen waivers?
@chris sad to see us become the evil empire...
@the0ther he's a rascal
@LivingCooki hi
@Wyliesau I've heard rumors that he's an op...idk.
@CSB makes rhyming in fight songs difficult, doesn't it?
@AdamAtSea @takash yeah, the one Crowder sells
@takash do you know what the bottom half of the shirt says?
@Nazareno are reptile years like dog years?
Looks like a threat to democracy! Better round up these jokers... right? https://www.zerohedge.com/political/pro-palestinian-protesters-enroute-white-house-busses-biden-team-erects-wall-around
@Djeep based frau
@Wyliesau @Java found a deal: Minuteman Signs | Aluminum Posted Property Protected by High Speed Wireless Device https://a.co/d/8YCLv7F
@Wyliesau these pieces of shit have blood on their hands. #MakeGuillotinesGreatAgain
@Nazareno is this a real person?
@Wyliesau amen
@Wyliesau 🤣😂🤣
guilty only of caring too darn much...