@Wyliesau that's a must watch
@boden I enjoy Jimmy Dore. Hilarious and curious.
@MidnightRider more government means more disservices like the motor vehicles administration...
@jimmy_dore that's technological appropriation from some African streaming service yet to be invented...
@chris BOHICA
@no_raise4_7_yrs @youtube @jimmy_dore Brandon even dusted off the classic "fine people" lie...
@ThatCrazyDude @Wyliesau that's Japanese
@TheCM did you recently make a bunch of fruit for whole foods?
@chris peace of mind?
@JesseStone I think he's been standing with Ukraine for too long or something...
@Nazareno I watched. It was horrendous. Pitiful.
@Wyliesau holodomor? how did Jews cause the Ukrainian famine?
@Wyliesau yeah, not bad
@w7voa RIP, Donald Sutherland
@shaneohare WHERE'S CORN POP?
@NemesisGames so good
@chris perhaps my younger self saw redeeming qualities where there were none
@chris this guy seems like just a run of the mill shithead who dipped his wick in crazy...disloyal, sure, but too sloppy for spook status, imo. 🫡
guilty only of caring too darn much...