@admin @rasterman @LovecraftEnthusiast had he been native to anyplace but South Africa...
@PNS i am shocked that tree didn't go up and take the whole church with it.
@greenzeta Chinese people think that scene is hilarious
@rasterman i love that dude.
@dielan HELLDIVERS 2!
@chris locals are always looking for an excuse to throw down. I lived there for 4 years a while back.
@chris you can add Shitposting Edgelord to your resume...lol
@chris crap! am I being deported?!
@Twig seems low
@Twig I'm going to need more sauce packets
@PNS Slut in a Rut?
@ThatCrazyDude hopefully, @atf isn't lurking on mastodon...
@CartyBoston pales in comparison to this rendition of Carol of the bells: https://youtu.be/24K2NhwWDsk?si=-tei8cwCRTlqEBQr
@chris if only we had elected Obama thrice...
@Djeep honey mustard
@Wyliesau linguini bakedziti is a fall guy
@HiroProtagonist art thou bored?!
@chris Putin is a horrible asshole, AND we started this. Both things can be true.
guilty only of caring too darn much...